I read a quote somewhere recently that went something like this: if you don’t have time to do the things you love, stop doing other things. It sounds so simple! But we all know the challenges this world with its constant barrage of information, pretty pictures, opinions, and blah blah blah brings. Thanks for always setting the higher example, Kris. You inspire me so.

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It does sound *so*simple, and yet it plays out differently for some of us…I love the fellowship I’ve enjoyed online for the last 15 years, and I’m hopeful to enjoy it again after the summer…just a little differently. I have so much growing to do. Thank you for always encouraging and speaking such kindness to me, friend.

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Substack is so smart—it showed me your post in my feed, maybe because I also just wrote a post linking to James K.A. Smith’s book! I resonate with so much of what you’re sharing. Thank you for letting us into a piece of your inner life. ♥️

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Thanks for stopping by to read and encourage. Nice to meet you here, Lesley. ☺️

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Thank you for so bravely sharing this. I hope your time away is fruitful. Will look forward to hearing about the stuff you’re not ready to talk about when you are ready.

I take long walks too. And chafe at too much content that comes through email, Substack and podcasts.

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Thanks Katie. I hope you enjoy your long walks and find some breathing room in the wide outdoors this summer. It's work to be selective about how much content we will allow ourselves to absorb. Walks offer a more generative alternative to scrolling with so many more benefits ;)

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Oh yes on walks. And reading actual pages… makes a difference

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Thank you for your thoughts on what we immerse ourselves in. Blessings on your summer intensions. Jill

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Thanks for reading, Jill. Wishing you a beautiful summer. ☺️

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Oh, I know how rich and meaningful this hard break will be for you from social media, Kris and I'm also confident God will offer you peace like never before. I don't regret for one minute that I left social media a year ago, it has helped refine the focus of my work and brought actual real people back into my life in ways I never expected. Sending you a hug.

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May 29Liked by Kris Camealy

Agreed. Amen. Thank you writing even the typos. Ha ha. I appreciate your authentic journey to the secret place of God’s leading and intention. I sense this as well. I’ve been pondering similar thoughts and feel a wooing out of the public domain. Thank you again for writing and sharing.

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Thanks for reading and tolerating my type-o’s, Lisa. 😉 Wishing you clarity and joy as you consider where you are being led this season.

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"There are real and seemingly immovable obstacles in my path that make accomplishing certain dreams and hopes nearly-impossible, but I have to wonder how much of my angst is self-inflicted on account of having developed some poor habits in recent years?" ---> This gets me. I hate it. (lol) I've felt so REACTIVE to life lately and while some of that is outside my control, there is absolutely a "self-inflicted angst" because of poor habits. Thanks for this whole thing, which is pressing me to reconsider things...on a walk, in the presence of God.

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Glad this encouraged to you to reconsider things with God’s help. I pray you are met with His quiet whispers as you walk it out, friend.

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May 29Liked by Kris Camealy

I hear every word of this. Intentionally moving towards less is entirely antithetical to what the world(and not just the'world') wants from us- theore we give, the more it takes. Conversely, the less we give, the less they want which translates into feeling somehow less than, feeling unwanted. It's a strange gordian knot of desire-we want to feel like we matter but in order to do that we need to engage in something that requires us to matter on it's terms, fit into its algorithm of popularity, influence and homogeny. Not that I have any strong feels about the subject...

Cheers friend and I hope you have many happy miles ahead! 🚶‍♀️

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I know you get it, my friend. So grateful for your encouragement, and your truth-telling. You are so right. I’m so grateful for you..

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❤️❤️❤️ you’re so not alone. You, me, Susan Mulder and more are clinking glasses in agreement. A toast: to a beautiful summer. Free of those weird ass squares. (Sorry. 🤓 That’s what I call them. Ha.)

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Haha, yes. I will miss those silly squares, and at the same time, I hope I won’t. It’d be a shame to be distracted by FOMO while trying to lean in to God. I’m so curious about what He’s up to. I’m trusting that that will help make the transition to the quiet a bit easier. Ever grateful for you, Sheila. Xxoo

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I absolutely love this! I swear walks are magical. I am currently pregnant and I feel like they are all I have right now to get me out of my head. Beautifully said❤️

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