Timely, because I was thinking about social media breaks today! In a good year, I delete Instagram and stay off Facebook for the first two weeks of January and all of July. I find that extended time away opens up pockets of time that get lost to random scrolling, and after a couple weeks I can hear my own thoughts again.

The July tradition started because it's the midpoint of the year and my birth month, and that feels like a good time to unplug and reflect. But I'm strongly considering bumping that unplugged month to June this year. I think I need that brain space sooner than later. Hope you enjoy the month off!

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I love the idea of taking your birth month off from social. It’s always time well spent, isn’t it? I’m stunned at how much clearer my thoughts tend to become when I stay offline for extended time…sometimes you don’t realize how noisy it’s getting from outside influence until you turn that volume to ‘off.’ I never retreat a social media fast.

I hope when you decide to step away for a bit, you enjoy that time and that it refreshes your soul in deep and wonderful ways. Thanks for reading and encouraging me here. ☺️

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I recently stepped away from social media a few months ago, and I found it so relieving. My creativity came back and my stress decreased. I’m so grateful I made the switch. I love working on Substack so much more than trying to create content to please the algorithms.

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It is so relieving and I think the fact that the experience of getting off of social media is experienced as relief should tell us something important. I’m constantly wrestling with how to navigate that space and how much to engage (or not). There are no clear answers so regular breaks seem to be the best option for now. Glad you’re writing here too! I look forward to staying connected this way. ☺️

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For sure! I love how you said there are no clear answers; where many of the problems come in are when people don't leave room for nuance in this conversation. Some people make social media out to be a bleak place of pure evil, leaving no room for believers to continue to use it for good. Meanwhile others make those who have left feel guilty that they aren't bearing a light in those places. I'm grateful for your voice on this! I look forward to staying connected here too!

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When I read your words I frequently come away thinking that you have been reading my thoughts or journals! It is amazing how much energy is spent when actively working on deep healing. I remember when my kids were babies and they either walked well first or spoke well first, not both. I wonder what would happen if I applied that principle and gave myself grace to not expect so much while my mind, heart and body are trying to connect and heal? Adjust expectations. I have been thinking of not taking on any big projects this summer. Let summer be the glorious thing it is. I'll let you know how I do. Thank you for publishing the thoughts from your heart. I so appreciate it dear friend.

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Nirma, I’m always so glad when I get to hear from you. You are wise and I couldn’t agree more—let’s let summer be “the glorious thing that it is” and not try to force anything one way or another. As Mary Oliver wrote, “things take the time they take.” 💗

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Some wise and helpful words here. I hear you on thinking long and hard about asking people to pay for the subscription. I hope you get a lot done when you take your break and enjoy the summer weather!

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Thanks, Katie. I hope you enjoy your summer too! Our weather the last couple of weeks has been so inviting. I’m spending as much time outdoors as I can before the real heat of summer presses in.

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Oh I hear you there. We are too. Seems like we may be in a drought here, though.

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